This page contains a number of counseling resources. Please read the instructions for each category carefully before downloading and completing any of the resources.
Funding Your Trust From A to Z
Making certain that all assets are properly titled in the name of your trust (or name your trust as a beneficiary) is process known as “Trust Funding.” Our office will assist you in identifying what assets you own, how they are titled, and preparing the appropriate documentation to complete the initial funding of your trust. Various assets are funding in different ways. This is usually a result of restrictions imposed under various sections of the Internal Revenue Code. The handout “Funding Your Trust from A to Z” provides a comprehensive overview on and asset-by-asset basis as to what steps we are taking to fund various assets. We are providing this information as a resource to provide you with additional information.
Health Care Checklists
You will find your most recent version of your health care checklists in your blue LifeDesign™ portfolio behind the tab called "Health Care Checklists". You may wish to review your prior responses before making any changes.
Before signing your checklists, we encourage you to meet with the loved ones you have named as both your initial and backup health care agents and review the checklists with them. We have found that often a health care agent may raise issues you had not considered which you may wish to include in your checklists prior to signing.
If you are updating any of your health care checklists, please contact our office to schedule a short meeting to witness your signature. We will make copies of your updated checklists and will maintain a copy in your permanent file. We will also forward the updated checklists to DocuBank®.
These checklists provide instructions to your family and other loved ones as to important issues they should attend to after your demise. You will find your most recent version of these checklists in your blue LifeDesign™ portfolio behind the tab called "Final Arrangements". You may wish to review your prior responses before making any changes.
Personal Legacy Documents
Below are a list of the most recent Memoir Questions which we distribute each year at the
Annual Client Meetings.
Special Stuff List
This worksheet will enable you to identify specific items of personal property you wish to leave to a specific person. When completing this worksheet, please remember to name only one person to receive a particular item. Be certain to be as specific as possible when describing the item. This worksheet is not intended to distribute every item of personal property (i.e. household furnishings) but rather just those items of sentimental value.
We encourage you to talk with your loved ones in advance of completing this worksheet to solicit their input as to any specific items they may have a sentimental attachment to or which they may wish to receive. Once completed, please email or mail your worksheet to the law firm. We will word process your worksheet and then contact you to schedule a time to come in to the office to review and sign your updated Special Stuff List.